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Pakistan’s Geographic Location-A blessing in disguise.

Cold war occurred after the end of world war second giving rise to two blocs Soviet union led communist block and U.S. led capitalist block.After partition India got closer to Soviet union & Pakistan became part of many Asian groups, keeping its doors open for both the blocs.Any move by UN on implementing of its resolution on Kashmir was vetoed by Soviet union (Thanks to its proximity with India).China felt betrayed after India facilitated meeting between Dalai lama and some U.S. officials which led to the 1962 war in which India lost badly.  U.S. became worried about the vulnerability of India but U.S. was more closer to Pakistan than India and did not want to lose her for India.India imported its weapons from Soviet union & Pakistan imported its weapons from U.S. Indo-pak war of 1965 broke out. U.S. imposed sanctions on Pakistan leaving it in a state of starvation in terms of weapon arsenal Pakistan developed strategic alliance with China in order to counter its reliance on U.S   Soviet union felt it was being encircled.It with the help of India managed to dis-member Pakistan with the creation of Bangladesh.Pakistan was left with no option but to get close to U.S. which had the capability of challenging Soviet.  Pakistan became instrumental in disbanding Soviet union by facilitating guided insurgency with the help of U.S. in Afghanistan.After 9/11 U.S. resorted to same mistake that led to division of Soviet union by intervening in Afghanistan.Pakistan was forced to act as facilitator thanks to Bush doctrine  Destined failure of U.S. in Afghanistan & their inability to dismantle ISIS has led to revival of cold war.Russia has began to defy which is clearly evident by its direct intervention in Syria Shattered by re-emergence of assertive Russia,U.S. have started to look for Old allies.Pakistan due to its strategic geographic location has regained its bargaining position  To further improve its bargaining position Pakistan is displaying its capabilities of creating a Pakistan-Russia proximity.Russia has offered helicopters to Pakistan and has decided to have  joint military exercises with Pakistan. 

 (Bottom line)The current emerging situation is anyone’s game but India claims about Pakistan being isolated is far from reality instead Pakistan seems to have taken edge over India due to its  strategic geographical location in present circumstances. 

Palestine conflict Decoded(1799-1950)

1799- Napoleon attacked Palestine(then under ottoman empire) & looked for allies after facing defeat. He asked Jews to rise up against what he termed oppression. He even offered Palestine to Jews and promised to protect them.                                                                                     1839-British undertook the idea of Napoleon to counter the rising Egyptian power. British opened immigration of Jews to Palestine. Only 300 Jews were present in ottoman controlled Palestine.                                                                                                                                         1880- Rothschild spend huge amounts on Jewish settlements across Palestine & frequently visited Palestine during these years.                                                                                               1897- First Joinist congress held and adopted a resolution for a homeland of Jewish people in Palestine.                                                                                                                                         1907- A British committee suggested a buffer state which will be hostile to its neighbour but loyal to British in order to counter growing Muslim power. It also acknowledged that its survival would depend on weakening its neighbours.                                                                                   1910- A large piece of land sold in Marj bin Amer resulting in displacement of 60,000 poor Palestinians by Jews of Europe.                                                                                               1911- Jews begin widespread protests demanding Hebrew should be included as official language.                                                                                                                                         1914- world war 2nd begins,New options opened to change the whole dynamics of middle East. 1915-  A secret memorandum was presented before British govt suggesting time is not ripe for establishing an autonomous Jewish state in Palestine & suggested to annex Palestine and start mass immigration of Jews in order to chance demography.                                                     1917- British cabinet pledged to make Jewish homeland in Palestine for which Rothschild had been lobbying since a decade. In late 1917 British captured Jerusalem with the help of Jews military unit (funded by British itself). Then there were about 50,000 Jews(10% of population).     1919- During Paris peace conference joinist movement proposed a map of Jewish homeland which included areas of Palestine, East bank of Jordanian river, southern Lebanon, Syria. Parallel to the conference FaisalWeissman agreement took place. Faisal approved Jewish land in Palestine & Arab nation in larger middle East.                                                                         1920- Herbert Sammuel, a ccommitted joinist oppointed British high commissioner to Palestine. 
1921- Palestinians staged large demonstrations against Jewish immigration.                               1922- League of nations accepted British rule in Palestine. Hebrew along with Arabic and English were adopted as official languages.                                                                             1925- 33,000 Jews immigrated & 13 new Jewish settlements were made along with Hebrew university.                                                                                                                                   1929- Massive protests happened after Jews performed gatherings at the weiling wall known to Palestinians as Al-burq. During Burq revolt more than 100 people were killed on both sidesPalestinians were hanged for participating in protests.                              

1933- Frequent protests occurred across Palestine with women actively taking part against Jewish settlements. Hundreds of people were killed and wounded and thousands arrested by British.                                                                                                                                       1935- Al-Qasam, a known rebel leader who had recently along with his few men attacked Jewish settlements Was killed. Due to immense pressure Palestinian leadership had to stop all negotiations with British.                                                                                                         1936- whole Palestine went on strike for about 6 months during which 190 people were killed & 800 wounded. 200 houses were demolished in Al-Jafar by British forces.                                 1937- Martial law was declared throughout Palestine. Palestinian leadership was disbanded & were forced to live in exile. During this year 1000 Palestinians, 69 Jews, 37 British soldiers were killed.                                                                                                                                       1938- Jewish military starts attacking Arabs, 67 Palestinian killed. In retaliation different Palestinian units were formed to fight the British & Jews.                                                       1939- Palestinian revolt suppressed with immense brutality,arrests,exiles,killing & at the sametime were able to infiltrate in Palestinian groups. World war 2nd broke out & now Jewish groups officially became part of British forces.                                                                           1940- An immense spying network was established in Palestine.                                                   1942- At world Jionist conference it was proposed to look at U.S. for future support instead of Britain since she had declined as imperial power. In U.S. Jionists had good ties with both republicans as well as democrats which continues till date.                                                     1945- After world war 2nd U.S. supported Jionist movement. U.S helped Jewish forces in attacking British forces as it followed its policy of restricted immigration.                                       1946- Attacks on British people by Jews intensify. British asks its people to leave Palestine.                                                         

1947- British decided to withdraw from Palestine leaving the issue to be solved by UN. UN divided Palestine into a Jewish state(56% land) although Jews owned only 5.5% land & Arab state which consisted of Jafa and Gaza strip. Jerusalem was left as international strip. U.S. is accused of lobbying,bribing,putting pressure on other states to vote for this resolution against Arabs.                                                                                                                                           1948- British completely withdrew it forces from Palestine. Arab countries started preparing along with Palestine for armed resistance. 3000 armed Palestinian armed men were up against 40,000 armed Jewish forces. Jewish forces decided to go for ethnic cleansing, attacked many areas of Palestine. Palestinian were running out of weapons. Jewish forces occupied the land which was given to Palestinians by UN. Jews officially announced the formation of the state of Israel. Arab countries sent armies from all borders in order to defend Palestinians but were outnumbered in men and outdated in weapons. Many armies retreated without any significant achievement.                                                                                                                                 1950- The sole remainants of Palestine were split in two parts- eastern portion annexed to Jordan named West Bank & coastal band of Gaza put under Egyptian rule. The word Palestine was erased from world history. 

P.S : The above information has been collected from various sources which the author and most Academicians consider to be reliable.